by susanllovell | Oct 27, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2, Grades K–5
by Deborah Peart, Grade 2 Lead Many people have an aversion to word problems. They cringe at the mention of them. In elementary classrooms, teachers often report that this is what their students struggle with most. When word problems show up in math class, even...
by Carrie Duncan | Oct 15, 2020 | Grades 3–5
by Sarah Caban From the start of the year, we want students to know they are capable of engaging in grade-level mathematics. In the Opportunity Myth (2018), data shows that there is an opportunity gap for historically marginalized students—often students of...
by Jenna Laib | Sep 4, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2
by Sarah Caban and Kristin Gray Teachers are so amazing and resilient. Amid all of the many thoughts and feelings about the challenges this school year brings, conversation continually revolves around their students. When discussing instruction, teachers wonder: How...
by Jenna Laib | Aug 25, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2
by Janaki Nagarajan How can we best do mathematics together in an online environment? When school suddenly shifted online last spring, I found myself overwhelmed by the learning curve for new technologies—for both myself and my students. I knew that I wanted to...
by susanllovell | Aug 18, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2, Grades K–5
by LaToya Byrd and Jenna Laib School looks different this year. It’s easy to focus on the changes that will need to be made—the new practices, the new routines, the new technologies—but we must first focus on our central beliefs about teaching and learning, and use...