by Jenna Laib | Jun 15, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades 6–8, Grades 9–12, Professional Learning
By Jennifer Wilson and Liz Ramirez We envision creating a world where learners know, use, and enjoy mathematics. Knowing and using math goes beyond calculating and evaluating. We create purposeful opportunities for students to engage in sense-making and use language...
by Jenna Laib | May 20, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2
By Kristin Gray, Director K–5 Curriculum and Professional Learningand Kevin Liner, IM K–5 Professional Learning Lead In our previous post, we highlighted important considerations in planning to support students in the fall. While we need to first explore these ideas...
by Jenna Laib | May 7, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2
By Kristin Gray, Director K–5 Curriculum and Professional Learningand Kevin Liner, IM K–5 Professional Learning Lead It is overwhelming to think about how teaching and learning will look in the fall. The uncertainty of the impact of students missing so many days of...
by Jenna Laib | Mar 26, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2
By Kristin Gray Most importantly, I hope everyone is taking care of themselves, their families, and others as much as they are able to during this time. With schools and districts pushing instruction online with a quick turnaround, everyone is experiencing...
by Jenna Laib | Feb 29, 2020 | Grades 3–5, Grades K–2
It was easy to say yes! By Crystal Magers Last spring, I was approached by our Math Coordinator and asked about piloting a new math program. I knew my staff was ready for building-wide consistency and we were ready to try something new. I easily said yes! My...