IM Preparing for the School Year

There are always so many things to do in preparation for a new school year.  At this point of the summer, to-do lists start getting made, materials get purchased, rooms are organized, and math class planning begins. Whether you are using the IM 6–8 Math curriculum for the first time or entering your second or third year with the program, there are always new things to learn. While the Illustrative Mathematics blog is packed with great information from curriculum authors, teachers, and coaches, it can often be a job in and of itself to narrow down what to read.

To save you some time, I combed through the posts on IM’s blog and chose three posts for four different purposes that can help start off your year with the curriculum on the right foot. Simply find which question(s) intrigues you the most, and jump right in!

Curious about overarching design decisions in the curriculum?

Want to learn more about the routines and lesson plan structures used to support teachers and students?

Need support for successful implementation of the curriculum?

Interested in learning more about the math in the curriculum units?

Next Steps

We would love to hear your reflections on the posts here in the comments section or share your back-to-school planning ideas with us on Twitter using the #LearnWithIM hashtag.